Dressage Training Day – 27 May


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Dressage Training Day – 27 May

Posted in: Archive 2012, Uncategorized by admin on 11/01/2012

Date: 27 May 2012

Venue: Cooranbong Equestrian Reserve

Dressage test Draw available now.

As this is a training day, riding jackets and plaiting are not required. However, all other riding equipment must comply with  Equestrian Australia rules, which includes wearing riding gloves.


1.    Events held under EA & FEI rules and Watagan Equestrian Club

2.    To help with the running of the Training day it is expected that all competitors will be able to assist or provide a helper.

3.    Horses may compete in two consecutive levels only.

4.    Callers are permitted.

5.    All riders ride at their own risk as per disclaimer.

6.    To claim membership entry fee, rider must be WEC member.

7.    No dogs allowed in the arena area. All dogs must be on a leash at all times.

Register for this competition via Nominate


Volunteers are needed:

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