Dressage Masterclass with Jacqueline Winspear
Posted in: Archive 2022 by admin on 23/09/2022

- Sunday, 9 October 2022
- 10am to 3pm
- Lovedale
As an alternative wet weather event to the 25th September training day, Watagan Equestrian Club is excited to present a Dressage Masterclass with Jacquie Winspear for our members. Watch demonstration riders ride tests from Prep to Medium and be assessed and critiqued by Jacquie. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear a judge’s inner thoughts during the judging process and you are guaranteed to learn strategies that you can apply to your own training to increase scores in competitions. There will be time for questions for Jacquie from the audience.
Venue: Argentille Equestrian Centre. 283 Wilderness Road Lovedale NSW. Undercover bleacher style seating. Parking in the designated visitor parking area. Bring your own lunch or there are a few wineries and cafes within a few minutes of the venue. There will be a morning tea break and a lunch break.
Entry: Enter via nominate. Members $60. Non-members $70. Tickets are strictly limited to 40 people due to venue seating capacity.
Select the “Participant” option for a spot in the audience for the entire day. The fee includes venue hire.
Demo riders: If you are interested in being a demo rider, send an email to wec@live.com.au with details about you and your horse. The WEC committee will assess the expressions of interest and let you know ASAP if you have a riding spot. We are looking for a diversity of levels of experience and training. The earlier you apply, the better your chances. Each rider has 25 minutes. You must arrive at least an hour before your ride time. Yards are available for your horse at no extra cost so that you can watch the rest of the day. Please adhere to competition gear and attire rules (e.g. white shirt and breeches). There will be some overlap between riders in the arena, so there may be two horses in the arena at one time.
No photos or video during the Masterclass without permission from WEC
Sorry, no refunds. But if you can’t attend, please cancel through nominate
Please check-in upon entry so that we know that you have arrived